This is a highly sought-after comic book featuring the beloved character Usagi Yojimbo in a special edition Incentive Variant cover. The story, titled "The Crow, " is written by Stan Sakai and illustrated by Mitsuhiro Arita. The comic book is published by Dark Horse Comics and is a First Printing with a Variant Cover. The issue number is 1, and it is a Single Issue format.
The comic book is in English language and belongs to the Modern Age era (1992-Now). The comic book is a must-have for collectors and fans of the Usagi Yojimbo series. The Incentive Variant cover is a rare find, and the comic book is in excellent shape with no signs of wear and tear.
The artist/writer, Stan Sakai, signed and provided a remarquable for this special edition comic book. This item is a great addition to any collection and is sure to be a valuable possession for years to come.