The story goes that Stan Lee, in conjunction with his charity "Hands of Respect" created this limited edition variant which used Stan Lee's blood to create an ink stamp which resembled Stan Lee's signature. However, shortly after the release of the comic in April 2018, stories began to surface in the media that Stan's blood was allegedly "stolen" i. Extracted from him under false pretenses and then used to create the ink stamp possibly without Stan's explicit knowledge or permission.
Copies of this book are EXTREMELY RARE AND HARD TO FIND. This copy of the STAN LEE SOLVENT DNA INK issue of Rise of the Black Panther #1 is numbered as No. The comic comes sealed with a Certificate of Authenticity from Stan Lee's Hands of Respect charity.
The cover artist for this variant comic is the legendary Joe Sinnott. UPDATE: While most copies of this comic have either a BLUE ink stamp or a GOLD ink stamp, you will notice that this copy contains a BLACK ink stamp. When creating the DNA Solvent Ink stamp, Hands of Respect did a limited run on the lower numbered editions using a black ink signature stamp, which may make this black ink signature stamp the rarest of the three colors.